New editions now available:
Paypal buttons coming soon. Please order via the contacts page until then.
NEW, October 2010 QP17: Graupner – Concerto [GWV333] G major
- Concerto a flauto d’amore, oboe d’amore, viola d’amore, 2 violini, viola, Fagotto e Cembalo. £30
Four recently discovered anonymous Partitas for solo viola d’amore. Two parts. Can be ordered separately or together.
- QP15a Solo scordatura part £10
- QP15b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi £12
- Both when ordered together £21
Two parts. Can be ordered separately or together.
- QP13a Scordatura part £7
- QP13b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi. £7
- Both when ordered together £13
Two parts. Can be ordered separately or together.
- QP14a Scordatura part £6
- QP14b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi. £6
- Both when ordered together £11
QP12 Brentner Partita viola d’amore, two oboes, horn (Litu) and B.C.
Score and full set of parts £25