By popular request!

Due to a  number of requests the Telemann Triple Concerto (QP10) now includes a scordatura viola d’amore part in addition to the real notation and original soprano clef parts already included.  This makes learning the part, which is in a fourths tuning, much easier and quicker.  Feedback has already been very positive.

The tuning used for the scordatura part is: A   cis   fis  h   e¹   a¹  (A   c#   f#  b   e¹   a¹).  Only the top four strings are required (the lowest note is b flat).

New Editions now available

New editions now available:

Paypal buttons coming soon.  Please order via the contacts page until then.

NEW, October 2010 QP17: Graupner – Concerto [GWV333] G major

  • Concerto a flauto d’amore, oboe d’amore, viola d’amore, 2 violini, viola, Fagotto e Cembalo.  £30

QP15 Anonymous Partitas

Four recently discovered anonymous Partitas for solo viola d’amore.  Two parts.  Can be ordered separately or together.

  • QP15a Solo scordatura part £10
  • QP15b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi £12
  • Both when ordered together £21

QP13 Pezold, Partita in A

Two parts.  Can be ordered separately or together.

  • QP13a Scordatura part £7
  • QP13b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi. £7
  • Both when ordered together £13

QP14 Pezold, Partita in F

Two parts.  Can be ordered separately or together.

  • QP14a Scordatura part £6
  • QP14b Real notation with bass line composed by Thomas Georgi. £6
  • Both when ordered together £11

QP12 Brentner Partita viola d’amore, two oboes, horn (Litu) and B.C.

Score and full set of parts £25


Visit our new Bach page for information on tunings for the two numbers in Bach’s St John Passion.  The page includes free pdf downloads of scordatura versions of the parts in three different tunings!

Forthcoming editions

Graupner – Concertos:

GWV327, flute, viola d’amore, chalumeau, strings and B.C.

GWV343, chalumeau, viola d’amore, oboe, strings and B.C.

Graupner – Chamber music:

GWV205, Sonata (Trio) Flauto Traverso, Viola d’amore and B.C. in D major

(based on secondary source material)